– fixed: issue with appearing “PITCH8” route in the drums after removing MasterFX from a selected range of drumslots
– fixed: bug with triggering mod env if the triggering OSC has a different keyrange – fixed: DC offset in shaper with mode “polynom” – fixed: correct snapping steps to the FM Rate dial when moving it with the mousewheel – fixed: loading a new drumkit and having locked drumslots will now lock all the parameters (vol / pitch etc) of the locked slots, too – VMAN only logs into the account when opening VMAN. – added a new button: ARP “Auto-Follow” – the ARP view will follow your pattern changes if active – added new stereo compensated mode for the VSAW with even voice-counts (2voices, 4voices and 6voices are now equally divided in the stereo field) – added: “set global” button for the latency mode: updates all Avengers in your current song project to the desired setting with one click You can set this up on the SYS Page “Off” (regular / default behavior with zero live play latency – “Dynamic” (latency rises depending on the number of Limiters or Comps being used in the preset) and “Fixed” 5.10 or 15ms “(one Limiter or Compressor needs 2.5ms lookahead, so 15ms can compensate 6 of these effect types) – added / fixed: Avenger reports a latency to your DAW now for correct auto compensation.

– fixed issue with playing ARP notes that were too long / too short after changing the ARP speed – fixed issue with hanging ARP when sustain pedal is used – fixed mouse wheel +12 steps for OSC transpose dial – fixed issue with retriggering ARP notes when legato is being used and the chorder voices are being turned on and off – fixed issue with granular envelope global first trigger – fixed issue with wrong routing of FX busses after loading a preset in specific circumstances – fixed hang during loading in ProTools DAW